October Skies
Born and raised in Northern California I never really knew the true seasons that some experience in other states and countries. Our seasonal changes are subtle and often times less obvious. One of my favorite months of the year has always been October. The children have settled into their school routine and summer has become a fond memory. The warm days lead into cool nights. Darkness begins to come earlier and the sky in California is absolutely gorgeous. The beautiful shades of pink and orange give way to this season of plenty.
October Skies is a celebration of all that is delicate and bountiful about autumn. The fresh color scheme was derived from such things as Cinderella pumpkins, pepper berries, fallen leaves, acorns, butternut squash, dried wisteria, rose blooms and California sunsets. The vintage floral prints are brought to life when combined in this very unique color scheme.
It is a romantic vintage inspired fabric collection filled with warmth and romance, a new approach to this artfully abundant season. This line would be terrific in home décor, as well as quilting projects.